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When you 'Preview' the free trial you will only have access to one of the six parts of the Student Performer tool.  This will demonstrate how easily all of the tools work.


Low Self-Esteem is behind many Addictions.

The BBC TV programme in the How to Look Good Naked series - "Too Fat Too Young" - highlighted the impact of low self-esteem on the problem of Britain's teenage obesity crisis. The factors impacting on self-esteem are the heart of these Frontline Solutions software tools.

Greater happiness and lifestyle changes are all possible with help from the suggestions contained in these programmes. Make your first move today ...  as Gok Wan told us ... "leave that teenage misery and learn to like yourself again". Each of these online tools address your self-esteem.

Self Image is another part of Self-Esteem

In another programme, the Duchess of York, made the point of just how much our self-perceptions have an impact on our lifestyles. This relates to our diet and health, the value of work and so the self-esteem cycle continues. One of the best ways to break the cycle is with the help of other people using strategies like those suggested in the Frontline Solutions Performer programmes.

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