How to Use | Mentor | Sport | Student | Workplace | Leadership

Student Performer

Student Performer is a personal development resource for all young people.

A software tool that will improve student performance especially when used with an effective mentor.

FREE Trial

Register here for a free trial of the tools:


When you 'Preview' the free trial you will only have access to one of the six parts of the Student Performer tool.  This will demonstrate how easily all of the tools work.

DefaultWhat is it?

  • A tool that provides understanding and support for students.
  • A tool for schools; youth support organisations; and parents. It should be the start of ongoing relationship building between mentor and student
  • Questions and suggestions to indicate strengths and ways to overcome weaknesses that impact on self-esteem.

Use the Student Performer

  • To give students an easier way of expressing themselves with their mentor / parents.
  • To focus, guide and advise mentors.
  • To monitor the changes and growth.

Click here to arrange to use the Student Profiler tool

The Qualities Developed by the Student Performer


Indicator 1

Indicator 2

Indicator 3

Indicator 4

Learning Abilities

Learning Awareness
Setting Study/Work Goals
Study & Work  Skills
Learning Attitude


Ability to form Friendships
Ability to Interact with Others
Team or Group Member
Empathizing with Others


Communicating Clearly
Communicating Honestly
Non-Verbal Communication
Leadership Communication

Physical Image

Aware of Body Characteristics
 Acceptance of Physical Image
Awareness of Health Responsibilities
Stress and Lifestyle Management

Career Planning

Attitude to Career or Further Study
Awareness of Career/Work Preparation
Further Study Preparation
Realistic Work/Study Expectations

Global Self Worth

Self Image
Realistic Goals and Direction
Self Belief
Enjoyment of Life

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